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Black Batwoman v. White Jesus
Untangling the images that shape our thinking
I haven’t really been much of a superhero fan since my childhood days, when Adam West played Batman, Lynda Carter played Wonder Woman, Christopher Reeves was Superman, and Michael Gray as Billy Batson in Shazam!
Of course, like most kids back then, I watched superhero cartoons every Saturday morning.
The Wonder Twins. Wonder twin powers, activate.
Aquaman. Home is calling.
The Green Lantern. In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight.
Batman and Robin. Holy Hamlet, Batman.
Superman. It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s Superman.
Wonder Woman and her invisible airplane.
Until I was about 13, I looked up to these heroes who, it turns out sort of looked like me, albeit more muscular. I wasn’t conscious of it, but looking back, they were all white, and most superheroes still are.
When The Black Panther hit the big screen a few years ago, my interest in the superhero world was piqued again. Probably because of my work on racial issues, but I started watching a few Marvel and DC movies again. Deadpool. Spiderman. Wonder Woman. Okay, maybe Gal Gadot is the reason I watched the…