Member-only story
Media Silence as Police Brutality Continues Unabated is Alarming
The stories of police brutality and death at the hands of police continue while the public looks away
After a record year of police killing people in our communities, the problem of police misconduct and brutality has continued to grow since the murder of George Floyd in 2020. It seems that every time progress is made on any given issue, those that oppose civil rights legislation lead attacks to sabotage those successes. Efforts to undermine many measures — including the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act — continue today.
Just as our right to vote is being impeded, our voices silenced, and our history robbed of us, so are our civil liberties out in the world. Attacks on peaceful protesters, except for far-right actors whom cops seem to allow free reign to spread their hate (and politicians leading attacks on anything non-white), are the more glaring examples. The continued militarization of the policing apparatus to silence dissent has only exacerbated the state of affairs in civil society.
Warrior training for police and an “us vs. them” mentality — taught to them from the first day of training — then handing them weapons of death isn’t working. Police don’t need more…