Why God Gave Us Two Ears But Only One Mouth

The secret white sauce to advance racial equality

Jeffrey Kass
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2024


Black speaker giving a talk in conference hall to white people.
Image: Shutterstock/Matej Kastelic

A new friend of mine shared that his grandmother used to constantly remind him that God gave him two ears and one mouth.

That instead of spending most of our time talking and pontificating, we should spend twice as much time being quiet. Listening and learning. Thinking about what was just said. Observing.

While that philosophy, and dare I say skill, can apply to nearly every aspect of life, it’s particularly useful advice when it comes to how white people ought to fight for racial justice.

All of us, white and Black, and especially the male variety, tend to want to fix things. To employ what we think is best to solve a particular problem.

That’s why for years Western countries have given significant aid to Africa without asking them what they need.

Massive clothing donations from the West to African countries decimated local clothing businesses. Why pay for clothes when they’re free?

Decades of economic aid to African nations was never for building sustainable economies. It left many countries in Africa mired in poverty. None of the so-called saviors of the West bothered to sit down with African economists and African people to see how…




Published in Momentum

Momentum is a blog that captures and reflects the moment we find ourselves in, one where rampant anti-Black racism is leading to violence, trauma, protest, reflection, sorrow, and more. Momentum doesn’t look away when the news cycle shifts.

Jeffrey Kass
Jeffrey Kass

Written by Jeffrey Kass

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad